If you see something, say something.
Women are stepping up and speaking out; men are beginning to hear with enlightenment, anxiously examining their own actions or re-examining situations wherein they have been witness to transgressive acts without actually seeing what has been taking place, often right before their eyes. Bystanders are beginning to appreciate the complicity inherent in having remained silent and without action in the face of impropriety, aggression or assault.
These are tough and difficult lessons as people’s perceptions of how the world has been operating around them turn out to be very different from what had been assumed was the reality…or what so many may have obliquely chosen to assume by not seeing beneath a very thin surface.
Social lubricant can be a dangerous, myopia-perpetuating thing.
From what I am reading, this Moment may be or may be becoming a watershed of personal consciousness and responsibility in our culture. As people – men and women – look back over their lives to specific and certain times and instances where they might have spoken-up or acted to stop something bad or wrong from happening – but did not; when, in the name of avoiding personal discomfort or an “awkward situation,” nothing was said or done – leaving nothing changed, the spectre of personal responsibility, of complicity, begins to take shape before each of us.
In reality, when one witnesses evil or badness and does nothing, that inaction has the very real affect of strengthening the transgressor.
Silence = tacit approval.
If no one says, “no” or “stop” or even, “bro, that’s not cool…,” that silence is taken by the aggressor as acceptance, as approval, at the very least as contributing to the perpetrator’s perception that what s/he is doing is Okay, as long as it’s gotten away-with, successfully.
Silence and inaction are, in and of themselves, support for what is taking place.
As this maelstrom of revelation has built through the past months, I’ve seen increasing numbers of men and women now realizing and writing of these moments of silence in their lives and the guilt they now realize they carry for having done nothing in the face of wrongfulness.
Might this mean more…?
…More than the bringing to light of sexual harassment?
Could this possibly be the beginning of a New Awakening in our society? Could it perhaps become more than a trend of the Moment; rather, a movement toward personal responsibility for the quality of life in our society? Might there be a resulting, evolving consciousness and commitment to truth, integrity, honor and respect for others?
Power and Profit
It would mean a society that takes a hard look at our priorities; as these cover-ups are motivated almost completely by two things: Power and Profit.
Sexual harassment does not stand alone in this field. Wall Street, shady business dealings, government and corporate graft and corruption, racism, sexism, ageism…all find strong roots in the high priority given profit and power in our culture and the egregiously low priority (if any awareness at all) given to integrity and honor.
Perhaps what is taking place, here and now, might inspire a broader self-examination of what we accept in ourselves and in others; in the respect we demand of, from and for ourselves.
Government to Serve; rather than to Serve Themselves.
Healthy, thriving businesses that reap appreciable profit while contributing positively to society, to a healthy economy, to a healthy planet.
Am I describing a Fairy Tale? Possibly: I hope not. Am I being idealistic? Absolutely.
“A man’s reach should exceed his grasp or what’s a Heaven for…?”
-Robert Browning
Bullying and Business
When one sees something wrong…dishonorable, dishonest…in any context, is it not a responsibility of the individual to do or say something to stop it, to alert the transgressor to the unacceptability of the action? Whether it’s a bully on the playground, a cheater in the classroom, a thief in boardroom or boulevard,
On the Spectrum of Egregiousness, is there a place where one can draw a line beyond which it’s okay to let things go?
- Where between a rape and a grope and a pat on the ass does any of that become okay: or does it, ever?
- Where between copying the answers from another on a university exam to plagiarizing a novel or newspaper article to appropriating intellectual property and selling it does it become okay to take credit for the work of another: or does it?
In our business professional and personal communities, these questions arise and are ignored almost as a matter of course. Can we change that by taking responsibility at some level?
Are we the keepers of our brothers and sisters?
In the sense that we have the responsibility to take care of or protect those around us who become victim to an aggressor: are we? In the sense that we might call out a friend or colleague whose conduct is without honor or integrity, are we bound to address this in the name of said honor, of integrity, of social acceptability or business practice?
The DGA has expelled Harvey Weinstein. Awards have been rescinded and projects cancelled as one after another of the current transgressors have been brought to light. Is this an ad hoc witch hunt that will crest and dissolve, or could it be a new beginning, an evolution of the taking of responsibility for the way the world can work?
Ethics and a code thereof
Is there Code of Ethics inherent in simply being human?
Is this to what people refer when they speak of “doing the right thing”? Were we, as simple and complex human beings, to espouse and adhere to a code of ethics; would the world be a better place?
Are we capable of accepting the vast panoply of differences between beliefs and cultures on this planet while at the same time supporting one another in respectful and honorable ways of treating and interacting with each other?
What a wonderful world that would be.
Whistleblowers Always Pay the Highest Price
The first to step out of any closet take the greatest risks, and virtually always pay the highest price. That willingness to bear the brunt of speaking out against an amoral, immoral or even illegal status quo and face retribution from those who wield the power is the only key to changing the way things are.
The only key.
What is taking place right now, as more and more women and men stand up, step out, speak out is as inspirational and encouraging as it is shocking in its vastness. As disheartened as I am to begin to grasp what I almost cannot understand as I appreciate the iceberg-ian depth; I am encouraged to think that this movement might grow and spread throughout our social consciousness.
Our morale as a country and community are at the lowest point in my experience; we cannot go, I believe, much lower (…though, with each successive tweet I find that we quite possibly can…). Can we inspire and motivate ourselves back from this dark brink and bring ourselves closer to an ideal America that hasn’t actually existed, yet?
It is only after acts of brave integrity and courage that other voices join in to add credibility and support for the righting of wrong.
As long as Profit Trumps Honor, Integrity has a Price.
Something I just came across, today…
“Out of the blue, I asked, ‘Have you ever read Reinhold Niebuhr?’
Obama’s tone changed. ‘I love him. He’s one of my favorite philosophers.’
So I asked, ‘What do you take away from him?’
‘I take away,’ Obama answered in a rush of words, ‘the compelling idea that there’s serious evil in the world, and hardship and pain. And we should be humble and modest in our belief we can eliminate those things. But we shouldn’t use that as an excuse for cynicism and inaction. I take away … the sense that we have to make these efforts knowing they are hard, and not swinging from naïve idealism to bitter realism.’”
“IMHO : Creating Compelling Experience” is still a free download from the Apple bookstore and iTunes. Free. Read it. https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/imho/id555219645?mt=11 ]