The “IMEx Field Edition“
The Inimitable Mk Haley said it:
“Empathize, Ideate, & Build” is the common doctrine of Design Thinking, and while they are inspirational points, they are hardly instructional. Kile has articulately laid out very actionable steps for any team involved in the creation and execution of Experience Design projects to follow on the path from concept to installation and operation.
In an industry that can be secretive, the How and Why of Experience Design can be lost as we celebrate the What. The simple roadmap that is presented in “In My Experience” outlines best practices for informed success along the life cycle of a project’s development. It’s not just a useful production tool, but also provides insight into the field for students interested in contributing to Experience Design or Themed Entertainment but who don’t fully realize all the working parts to the process.
A combination of process details, case studies, and first-hand stories as great examples makes this a delightful and credible read. Examples that take into consideration cultural and personality differences provide options for moving forward across a number of possible scenarios as both a contributor and a leader in the industry.
Marketed as a manual for the design of various experiences, it’s secretly an exhaustive manual for life.
Our industry mantra has become “story, story, story” But what does that actually mean? “In My Experience” graciously leads you down the path of story “revelation” best practices to carefully craft a very intentional emotional experience for your guests.
In an industry that only thrives on collaboration and mentorship, “In My Experience” continues the trend graciously sharing resources and inspiration across disciplines and generations.
-Mk Haley
Program Manager / Academic Outreach
Walt Disney Imagineering
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I look forward to reading this Field Edition of IME on the creation of Experience Design and Themed Entertainment, but also as an “exhaustive manual for life” as described by Mk Haley. Thank you Kile, for sharing what some may consider secrets of the trade, but which you offer to creatives in order to expand their knowledge, learn to listen, think outside the box, be aware of and acknowledge assumptions, and ultimately enrich the resulting Experience.
Thank you for this, Susie! I do hope the book can make a difference in the creation of experiences…or in just nurturing daily life and relationships… As in all things, I think; it all begins with Listening, yes?