Casting a Wide Net : Thinking Outside the Arch

New Attraction in Gateway Arch Visitor Center

The Gateway Arch is seeking creative individuals, collaboratives, consortiums and companies for concept development, design and potential execution of a compelling, unique experience to be featured in our new Visitor Center.  Please join us in-person or remotely on Wednesday, November 14, during IAAPA in Orlando, FL for a presentation and launch of the solicitation process.

If you’re interested in any aspect of this, be at this meeting in person or via livestream.

The possibilities are limited only by imagination…

This an exceptional opportunity to create a legacy-enhancing experience.


Popular throughout the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies, “IMHO : Creating Compelling Experience” remains a free download from the Apple bookstore and iTunes.

Seriously: Free.  [Link to iBooks site ]

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